Kentucky K PREP
Attendance Award
Waco Elementary School encourages consistent attendance, which is essential for maintaining high academic achievement. We adhere to the Madison County Schools’ Attendance Policies.
Excused and unexcused absences and tardiness will be monitored carefully on a daily basis. Both unexcused and excused absences/tardies will be recorded and will remain on the child’s attendance record.
Excused absences include: illness, death in family, doctor/dental appointment, family emergencies, and family trips. These absences are excused only when there is documentation from parent/guardian or physician to explain the absence.
Unexcused absences include: no documentation/note from parent/guardian after an absence, no physician’s statement to verify doctor/dentist appointments and illnesses, etc.). When a student has been absent from school, the following procedures will be followed: Illness In order for your child’s absence to be excused, you must send a note with the student the day he/she returns to school.
Students may be excused with a parent note for illness no more than 4 times per semester, not to exceed eight (8) days per year. After the fourth absence from illness, a doctor’s excuse must be turned in to excuse the fifth and any subsequent absences. One parent note is equal to one day excused absence. If a student is absent for two consecutive days that constitutes two parent notes. Parent notes must be received within 3 days upon returning to school. The principal/designee can approve exceptions after a meeting with the parents/guardians.
Any absence not documented by a parent note, doctor/dentist excuse, etc. will be considered unexcused. Chronic Illness/Injury In the case of chronic illness, the principal/designee will determine the proper procedure for excusing those absences. Excuses must be in writing.
Parents/Guardians should contact the school to check on missed work for the child during extended absences due to chronic illness/injury. Educational Enhancement Students may be allowed to participate in an educational enhancement opportunity that the Principal determines to be of significant educational value. Prior written approval from the Principal is required.
Truancy Letter After a student misses three (3) unexcused absences, he/she is considered truant. A truancy letter will be mailed home to inform the parent/guardian of the absences. Educational Neglect AFTER THE SIXTH (6) UNEXCUSED ABSENCE, EDUCATIONAL NEGLECT CHARGES MAY BE FILED IN THE MADISON COUNTY COURT SYSTEM AGAINST THE PARENT(S) OR GUARDIAN(S). Tardiness School hours are from 7:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. Under state guidelines, a late arrival to school and/or early checkout from school is considered a tardy on student attendance records. (Arrivals after 7:45 a.m. and checkouts prior to 2:45 p.m. are considered tardiness.) If a student has six (6) or more unexcused tardies a letter will be mailed home. Tardies in excess of 12 may result in home visit or referral to court by the district truancy advocate.
Growth Awards
Waco Elementary with the help of our school community recognize students in academic growth regardless of color, age, disabilitiy, and gender.
Medals and ribbons are provided by the PTO.
Certificates supplied by the Board of Education for attendance.
Our local Kawnis club in the past two years have supplied bicycles and a helmet for Waco students.