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Logo Title

"Once a Cardinal Always a Cardinal"

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Logo Title

Mission, Vision, & Belief

Waco Elementary Logo: A red cardinal with the title Waco Cardinals below the bird

Waco Elementary Motto:
"Once a Cardinal, Always a Cardinal"


Waco Vision Statement:

All students transitioning from Waco Elementary School to middle school will be performing at or above grade level benchmarks in reading and math.


Waco Mission Statement:

Waco Elementary staff strives to create a challenging learning environment through appropriate instruction for individual differences and learning styles. We work to create a safe, nurturing and supportive environment where students can build self-confidence. We are committed to having parents, educators and community members involved in students' learning.


Belief Statements:

At Waco Elementary School, we believe:

  1. That students are the number one priority.
  2. In an environment that is safe, orderly and protects instructional time.
  3. That learning should be fun, challenging, hands-on, minds-on to ensure success for all.
  4. That moral and ethical responsibility will promote strong citizenship in our school community.
  5. In parent and community involvement.