"Once a Cardinal Always a Cardinal"
Family Resource Center
Rebecca Maupin
Family Resource Center Director
Direct Telephone Number: 859-387-3642
FRYSC VISION STATEMENT: The Kentucky Division of Family Resource and Youth Services in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services shall establish the national standard of excellence in the provision of school-based family support. (FRYSC Administrators’ Guidebook, pg. 5)
FRYSC MISSION STATEMENT: The Family Resource and Youth Services Centers’ program mission is to enhance students’ abilities to succeed in school by developing and sustaining partnerships that promote:
Early learning and successful transition into school
Academic achievement and well being
Graduation and transition into adult life (FRYSC Administrators’ Guidebook, pg. 5)
Students and their grandparents are invited to play a few rounds of Bingo TOGETHER!
Waco Elementary School Cafeteria
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
5:30-6:30 PM
A light snack of popcorn, chocolate chip cookie and lemonade will be served until gone!
This event will be hosted by the Waco Elementary School Family Resource Center.