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"Once a Cardinal Always a Cardinal"

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Drop-Off procedure

Drop-Off Procedures


Pre-K, K, 1st and 2nd grade students: Use the back entrance into the parking lot between the old fire station and the FRC (entrance II on map). Drive around to the second set of doors marked number 9. Staff members will be there to greet you and open the car door to allow your child to exit the vehicle. Students will be escorted to the building for safe arrival. PLEASE do not allow children out of the vehicle until a staff member opens the door. Primary students should arrive between 7:20 a.m. and 7:40 a.m. at this entrance. The door closes at EXACTLY 7:45 a.m. to allow monitors to report to their classroom to begin supervisory duties. At 7:45 a.m., your child is considered tardy. Breakfast will be served from 7:20 a.m. – 7:40 a.m.!


3rd, 4th and 5th grade students: Use the first drive marked Entrance I on the map. This entrance leads to the front of the school. The door is marked number 1, under the front porch.


Car riders should report to either the cafeteria for breakfast, or their classroom to begin their day.


If you have children in multiple grades, please choose the exit which corresponds with your youngest child’s grade. (Example K student and a 3rd grader, you would unload in the back with both for the K student)


August 22, 23, 24- We have limited parking space on campus. You are welcome to walk your child into the building during the first few days of school; however, to maintain traffic flow and ensure security, you will need to park in a parking space. August 27, 2018 will be INDEPENDENCE DAY for all students. Students will be expected to walk in the building, on their own, after Independence Day.




NO CHANGES WILL BE TAKEN OVER THE PHONE OR BY EMAIL. It is a child safety issue as well as a liability issue. Changes will be taken by either a hand-written, typed or faxed note, with parent/guardian signature and date. If you fax a note, you must ensure that it was received. Please get any faxed changes to us BY 2:00 p.m. to ensure we have time to process them. Fax #: 1-859-369-3819. It will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify an adult, identified on the check-out card, in the event of an emergency to pick the child up from the school office no later than 2:40 p.m. or be present at the arrival destination!