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green circles spell PBSI positive behavior intervention and support


What Is PBIS?


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support.


PBIS is an approach schools can use to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. It also helps schools decide how to respond to a child who misbehaves.

At its heart, PBIS calls on schools to teach kids about behavior, just as they would teach about any other subject—like reading or math. PBIS recognizes that kids can only meet behavior expectations if they know what the expectations are. A hallmark of a school using PBIS is that everyone knows what’s appropriate behavior. Throughout the school day—in class, at lunch and on the bus kids understand what’s expected of them.

PBIS has a few important guiding principles:

Keep in mind that PBIS is not a treatment or therapy. It’s a framework for teachers, administrators and parents to follow. It’s also important to know that when a school uses PBIS, it uses it for all students. That includes kids with IEPs and 504 plans.

According to several studies, PBIS leads to better student behavior. In many schools that use PBIS, students receive fewer detentions and suspensions, and get better grades. There’s also some evidence that PBIS may lead to less bullying.

Every child can learn proper behavior.

Stepping in early can prevent more serious behavior problems.

Each child is different and schools need to provide many kinds of behavior support.

How schools teach behavior should be based on research and science.

Following a child’s behavioral progress is important.

Schools must gather and use data to make decisions about behavior problems.

PBSI Committee Members


Sarah Mathis

Allyson Harrison

Kristie Turner

Erin Muse

Beth Richardson

Rebecca Maupin, Director of the Family Resource Center [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]


Minutes and Agenda supplied upon request. Contact Waco Elementary [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink] office.