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PTO Bylaws

Waco Elementary PTO Bylaws

PTO is defined as Parent/Teacher/Organization.  It is an organization developed to aid the school, faculty, students with parent assemblies, special events including fundraising to purchase items approved by PTO members and the principal of the school. The meetings are conducted at Waco Elementary School Cafeteria.


  1. Conduct

    1. We the PTO shall try to conduct the PTO meetings with encouragement, open forum about issues that create a positive impact on the learning experience of Waco students.


  1. Organization
    1. A member of the PTO organization can be composed of a parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of a student currently enrolled in the Waco Elementary School or employees of Waco Elementary. 


  1. Election
    1. An election is held during the PTO meeting during April of the current PTO year. Newly elected officers should meet with current PTO during the May PTO meeting to familiarize themselves with procedures.  New PTO officers will be expected to take over the meeting in August of the upcoming school year.
    2. The election will be for a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Staff Representatives.
    3. The terms of the PTO positions will expire each school year and an officer will have to re-elected to serve another term each year.  An adult may nominate/run for PTO position as long as their child attends Waco Elementary School. 
    4. The position of Treasurer cannot be held by an employee of the Madison County School Board.
    5. If an adult holding a position on the PTO Committee is deemed unworthy due to defamation of character, theft, or for non-participation, then the other officers and/or principal may ask that person to step down from their position at any time.


  1. Meetings
    1. The president is expected to preside over the business of each meeting. In the event, the President cannot perform her duties the Vice President will be expected and the expectation will continue following the chain of command thereafter to run the PTO meeting for the month.


  1. Principal Involvement
    1. The Waco Principal has the authority to guide and advise the PTO in school events, assemblies, and related matters.
  2. Motions
    1. No motion shall be passed or defeated until the majority (51%) of the registered members have voted and PTO has counted the absentee votes.
    2. Absentee votes are done via google form and will have a set date during the current meeting to be cast.


  1. Minutes
    1. The PTO secretary responsibility to take minutes of each PTO meeting and post them on the school bulletin board and place them in the PTO Google Team Drive under Agenda/Minutes. This should be done within one week of each meeting.


  1. Purchases
    1. All requested purchases must be submitted in writing.  A request form will be sent to Waco Elementary Staff at the beginning of each school year and copies can be obtained from the PTO mailbox in the workroom. 
    2. All requests will be carefully considered by the PTO officers, principal, and registered members of the PTO organization and voted on during monthly meetings.
    3. The purchase request must pass a (51%) approval vote by members in order for PTO to fill the request. 
    4. Any representative of the school may request a purchase including parent, guardian, or staff member.
    5. A purchase request under $100.00 may be made without an official meeting if three of the President, Principal, and Treasurer, and one Staff Representative agree that the purchase is needed. 
    6. Any refund expected from PTO for a purchase must have prior approval. 


  1. Budget
    1. Budgets that are allocated for events, clubs, activities, groups, within in the school are subject to change depending on funds available and volunteer help.
    2. Groups, Clubs, and individual grade activities are encouraged to seek sponsorship outside of PTO for funding.
    3. All funds raised from groups, clubs, individual grades should be used before PTO funds are utilized. 


  1. Fundraising
    1. During any type of fundraising activity, the President and the Treasurer must be present to verify inventory, organize items, sign for verification, collect money and transport to the funds to the bank. 
    2. The Vice President and another officer may fill the President and Treasurer position if they are unaccountable. 


  1. Vacancies During a Term of Office
    1. Any resignation of a PTO Officer must be done in writing and presented to the PTO president/Waco Elementary principal.
    2. In the event that there are two or more vacancies, new nominees will be accepted and a new election will be conducted.
    3. The President shall call an election to be held not less than ten school days after the vacancy occurs.  
    4. In the event, the President resigns the Vice President will assume the president, the secretary will assume the vice-president's role and a new secretary will be appointed to finish out the school year.
    5. The PTO secretary shall post a notice to advertise the open position on the PTO Committee in a readily accessible place for parents/staff members including the Bylaws of PTO. (via Facebook, school bulletin board, etc.)
    6. In the event of a vacancy, the PTO president shall notify the principal within one business day of the vacancy and take the necessary steps discussed in (10.e) to fulfill the position.


  1. Special Meeting
    1. A special meeting is defined as an irregular meeting at a different time or place conducted by the PTO. 
    2. A special meeting can be called by the PTO president or a majority of the PTO registered members.
    3. In the event of a special meeting, the PTO must comply with the requirements of the Open Meeting Bylaws. The following steps MUST be taken under the advisement of the principal:
      1. Written Notice 
      2. Delivery of Notice
      3. Posting of the Notice 


  1. Agenda
    1. President called the meeting to order.
    2. Read the mission statement.
    3. Welcome attendance.
    4. Read old minutes
    5. Address Old business
    6. Vote on old business, if necessary.
    7. Treasurer make a budget statement
    8. Address New business
    9. Volte on new business, if necessary.
    10. Notify all members of next meeting time/place.
    11. Adjourn meeting.


  1. Treasurer
    1. Treasurer budget forms are to be used for each event, activity, and fundraiser conducted by PTO.
    2. The treasurer form F-SA-5 (Inventory Control Worksheet) only needs to be used when items are not prepaid. 
    3. Each activity/event needs an inventory sheet and placed in the PTO Google Team Drive/PTO Activities event for future reference.
    4. F-SA-2A Fundraiser Approval forms can be obtained in the school office.


  1. Amendment of Bylaws
    1. Bylaws may be amended, voided, or passed by new PTO officers each year and voted on during the first PTO school year meeting.
    2. The amended or new bylaws must be voted on and passed by a majority vote (51%) of registered members.


  1. Responsibilities of the PTO committee.
    1. See the PTO Role/Responsibilities for Waco Elementary School.


  1. Equipment Storage
PTO storage is designated under the stage (Stage Room 2), concession room in the cafeteria, and PTO locked file cabinet in the workroom. Non-PTO items should not be grouped with PTO supplies.

Waco Elementary PTO Responsibilities


Members of the PTO Committee work together raising funds for field trips, team shirts, events, and education programs for Waco Elementary students. Many items the school needs may come up that are not mentioned in the meetings, bylaws and event calendar. PTO fundraising is part of the school to keep the cost down for your child to attend trips and be a part of the events/activities that occur at school free of charge, if possible. Many of our officers work full-time, attend school, raise a family, and give their time to serve as a PTO representative for you. There is no obligation for you to come to every meeting, but we encourage you to get involved if you can to make Waco Elementary School a better for your child. 


PTO Presidents Role:

  • Organize and coordinate all events are scheduled for the school year with the help of a committee. 

  • Run monthly meetings.
  • Communicate with school staff, PTO Officers, and parents.


Vice President Role:
  • Fulfill the president's role when the president is unavailable. 
  • Help organize and coordinate all events are scheduled for the school year with the help of a committee.


  • Prepare a budget report for monthly meetings.
  • Keep records of the bank statement, inventory, purchase orders, budget, and request orders.
  • Have records ready for viewing at each PTO meeting.
  • Prepare a profit and loss statement after each event. 
  • Write checks, maintain balances, and keep records of receipts of all transactions.
  • Prepare a financial report for the school board.
  • All purchases must be discussed and approved according to the bylaws of the PTO.
  • Attend each event that requires money to be counted and collected.
  • All forms should be placed in the Google Team Drive/Budget folder.


  • Prepare the agenda for all meetings.
  • Keep monthly meeting minutes from each meeting and place in the PTO Google Team Drive/Agenda and Minutes file.
  • Read monthly minutes during the PTO meetings.  
  • Prepare and send notices home with the student as deemed necessary in a timely matter.
  • Prepare and create a newsletter to send home with students every three months.